miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016


Olfaction is the sense of smell. The sense of smell is how a human or animal notices a smell by using the nose. Many animals have better noses than people, some animals can detect small particles in the air or sometimes water that people cannot.
   People have special cells in the nose that can detect some chemicals. These are special nerve cells attached to the olfactory epithelium. All vertebrates have these cells. The smell is first processed by the olfactory system. The information is given to the olfactory bumb in the front of the forebrain.
In insects, smells are sensed by sensilia on the antennae and first processed by the antennal lobe.
As we have said before, the taste and the smell sense were did by the same group. They had to explain and interact with the rest classmates in order to teach them what are these senses about. 


Taste is one of the five senses. It is the sensation that a human or animal experiences on the tongue when eating. Usually, there are the tastes of sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and salty.
The tongue can also feel other sensations not generally included in the basic tastes. These are largely detected by the somatosensory system.
Also, it is known that smell and sight contribute to the overall sensation of eating and drinking.  
This was a special sense because they had to do the mockup with another sense, the smelling. They had to explain the different parts of the tongue and the nose and they played a game in which you had to taste different flavours and the different odours. This is the result: 


Hearing is one of the five senses. The ears are used for hearing (listening to) sounds.
 Sounds pass into the ear. They make the eardrum vibrate. That makes tiny bones in the ear move. The bones move a small tube shaped like a snail shell, called the cochlea. Inside the cochlea is a fluid, which moves tiny hairs that send signals to the brain.
For this sense, the groups had to explain again the different parts as the tiny bones , their functions and the different illnesses related with the hearing sense. Here, there are some examples of the mockups that they did:

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016


Touch is one of the five main senses that animals have. It can be called the sense of body or the sense of touch. The system also has internal sensory receptors, and includes sensing temperature and pain.
Tiny touch sense organs under the skin help animals feel hardness, softness, and sharpness, for example. Some parts of the body, such as fingertips have many more sense organs than others.
For this sense, they also did a mockup but in this case, they had to explain the different layers of the skin and the glands that intervine in this sense.  Here there are some examples of the mockups that they had to explain

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016


For this sense, they did several mockups of the eyes in order to explain the different part of the organs we have mentioned. These are some examples of the mockups : 



 Hi "organers"!, we are students from the High School Antonio Gala, located in Palma del Río and we are bilinguals. Last year we have done an exposition  about the body parts and the human senses. In this presentation, the classes were organized in groups formed between 4 and 6 people and a sense of organ was asigned to them. They had to make a mockup of each organ and they had to explain them. We also put photos of this year presentations.